Practical Tips on Booking an Appointment online with the Foreign Police in Slovakia

2021, 21 April / Author: Xenia K.
Proofread by: Sherry R. /
Perhaps you have already done it or maybe it is still ahead of you. The Foreign Police online booking system is no technological miracle of the 21st century and has many shortcomings. In this article we will focus on how to get through this and book an online appointment successfully.
The online booking system of the Slovak Foreign Police can be found under the following link:
There you go, choose the language (Slovak or English).
The first hurdle you will encounter is to select the Purpose of your stay. There are many options, but the most common are employment, business, study or family reunification.
If you are about to extend your stay, change your address or pick up the card, be sure to still choose the correct purpose of your stay.
The next challenge you will encounter is the Registration act. There are only 4 options available in the menu: Temporary residence, Registration of an EU citizen, Permanent residence or Application for issuing the residence permit document.
Most of the time, it is quite clear. If you are applying for a temporary residence or extension of same, or the address change as a 3rd country national, you choose „Temporary residence“. If you are applying for the same as an EU citizen, choose „Registration of the EU citizen“. If you just want to collect the new card, choose „Application for issuing the residence permit document“.
All the rest is just personal data to be filled in. What personal data should you have at hand when making the online booking, besides your first name, surname and date of birth?
- Passport and other residence permit documents – to be able to fill in the number, date of issue, validity etc.
- Permanent address abroad and the date of registration to that address (make the registration date up if you do not know – nobody can ever check this).
- Address in Slovakia and the date of Registration at that address – this is your address either from your Proof of Accommodation document or from your Rental Agreement. The registration date should match the date put on the registration form, if you did so.
Generally, foreigners comply by registering their stay after entering Slovakia. In that case, put in the date that matches the date of your entry into the country or on your rental contract or similar.
- You need to know your city district (for Bratislava and other bigger cities), otherwise you will not be able to find the name of the street in the drop down menu.
- The Registration No. ( in Slovak „Súpisné číslo“) is not a mandatory field, you can skip it.
- The Street No. however is mandatory, as it is the essential part of every address.
- The name and the address of your employer, if applicable.
- Personal data of your parents, spouse, children and siblings – their name, surname, maiden surname for women, date of birth, permanent address.
Once you have filled in all mandatory information (marked with the star), you are asked to enter your mobile phone number. Remember, this will be the number to which the PIN will be sent. The PIN will be needed on the day of your appointment at the Foreign Police. Based on our experience, only Slovak phone numbers are accepted by the system.
You will also be asked for the address to which the ID card shall be sent. If possible, allow the card to be sent to your address per courier (this is the reason for the extra 3€ mentioned in our article Practical Tips on How to Navigate Processes with the Foreign Police Slovakia During the „Covid times“, remember?)
Otherwise, you will get a message – yes, to the same mobile phone number you put in the booking system – notifying you when your card will be ready to be collected at the Foreign Police, and you will have to go there again.
If you entered all the data successfully, the system creates the pdf copy of your application and you will be asked to confirm that „the printing has been successfully completed". Download the pdf copy and confirm.
The last step is to confirm the chosen date and time slot of your appointment. Once the booking is successful, you will get a message on the screen about it and the PIN appears on the screen. The PIN will be subsequently sent to the mobile phone you put into the system.
Sometimes, the server is down or you can´t get through the booking successfully. Don´t give up. The good news is that the system saves the data you put in and you can see them at your next attempt, which will allow you to go through the booking system much faster. The pace at which you work while booking the online appointment is essential. If it takes too long, the system will time out, but the data is saved, so no panic.
We wish you best of luck with booking your online appointment. Should you need any help, get in touch.