Do You Know That You Can Donate 2% from Your Income Taxes in Slovakia?

While paying taxes in Slovakia, you can donate 2% of your income tax to a registered Non-Profit Organization. Employees can do so until 30 April 2019.
Here is the story of Ema and her Mom, just in case, you are still to decide whom to donate to.
Technicalities regarding how to donate are described at the end of this article.
Why did you decide to establish a Non-Profit Organization?
My 12-year old daughter Ema was born with a „package of difficulties“ which had already started to pop up in kindergarten. Very soon she was in a need of individual care. The real challenge came when I started to look for a school to enrol her in. At that time I realized our school system was not able to provide for kids like Ema. Everything was an issue. Ema started attending a private school, with a dedicated assistant, which worked for a while. However, her need for an individual approach, therapies and interventions grew and the amount of money required also grew. I approached one of the non-profit organizations for financial support and when it was refused, it came to me that I could establish my own non-profit organization. One where my relatives, friends and I myself could transfer 2% of our income tax to. So, I did. My non-profit org is focused on children with disabilities and special needs, and supports their integration into society – providing financial support for different kind of assistance at schools, childrens camps, trips, rehab, sport activities, etc.
What do you think about integration of children with special needs into regular schools in Slovakia?
When Ema was leaving a kindergarten, the principal came to thank me for the great opportunity to have had Ema there. To have a ”mixed“ group of kids helps not only those with a handicap, but also healthy ones as well – it helps them to accept the „different ones“, to learn how to assist them, and it develops their emotional intelligence. So yes, I am a big fan of that, but some conditions need to be fulfilled.
What must the state do, in your opinion, to be able to integrate more children with special needs into regular schools?
First of all, more experts are needed in our country to work with such kids and these people need to then be paid properly for the work they do. It is more a mission rather than a job and you can recognize when it´s done from the heart. And this is what the kids appreciate a lot. In my opinion more money is required, so that this job will become more attractive, and the assistants or special teachers who would love to do this are more inclined to stay with this calling.
What makes Ema different versus other kids? How can she cope within the group?
Apart from the many „dysfunctionalities“ she suffers at school, Ema also has difficulties with motor skills and she has many rituals. Sometimes she loves to be a part of a group, but when it becomes too much, she suddenly needs to be alone. She prefers talking to adults rather than to kids of her age, except for her younger sister Ela.
How do the girls go together?
They are a big and small sister in everything. Ela is younger, but sometimes she is like a big sister, sometimes even a Mom to Ema, when needed. Ema can, for example, experience summer camps with other kids as Ela is always there to help her.
What does it mean for you as a Mom to have a child with special needs?
The main thing is to accept the situation as a fact, which is not easy at first. These kids require a lot of time, energy and special care, but give you so much love and appreciation, and every small success is a win-win for everyone. These kids are very open and direct, and teach you a lot.
Do other moms in a similar situation have a place where they can get together and share their experience?
Yes, there are some organizations already operating; each of them is focused on a specific diagnosis.
What would you recommend to a Mom, who has just realized that her child has special needs?
Meet people facing similar issues, ask questions, do not hide, because you are not alone and not the only one facing this kind of situation. Don´t be disapointed if something works for another child, but doesn´t work for yours, something else will...and they are all individuals.
On which services do you mostly spend the funds from the „2% contributions“?
We pay for teachers´ assistants at school, and we finance therapies - e.g. biofeedback, hippotherapy, logopedic intervention, rehab – personal trainings, and summer camps for the kids, etc.
How does the process of donating 2% work?
1.If you are an employee and have asked your company to do an Annual Income Tax Settlement for you – ask your company to give you an Evidence of Income statement.
2. Then select „your organization“ out of the list of registered Non-Profit organizations (full official list can be found under following link):
3. Fill in the form with your personal details, details of the receiver and the amount - 2% calculated from the Income statement provided by the company. Please note that you must attach this statement to the form. The plain form can be found here:
Most of the organizations have the forms on their webpage with pre-filled data, like ours:
4. The completed and signed form with attached Income statement needs to be delivered to the Tax Office by 30.04.2019.
For foreigners – all forms are accepted by Daňový úrad BA I., Ševčenkova, Bratislava.
Thank you for sharing this with us, We wish you and your little girl a lot of understanding and support from the outside world.