Are You or Will You Be Employed in Slovakia? Here Is the Checklist to Your Employment Agreement

You got a new job in Slovakia. Congratulations!
Employment Agreement is one of the first things you will need to deal with.
There might be experienced collegues or friends around you to help you to understand the details of your Employment Agreement, but very often there is no chance to discuss with them.
Very often you get an Employment Agreement the very first day you appear in the new company and you will be asked to sign off quickly.
Well, you can sign off quickly but you have to take your time to check the essentials first.
What are those essentials then?
- Your personal data (make sure those are correct including your bank account number)
- Full identification of the employing company
- Name/Description of the job/position
- Start date and duration of the employment relationship
- Standard working hours/working time
- The usual place of work
- Monthly salary/remuneration and the payout due dates
- Trial period (up to max 3 months/6 months for executives)
- Data protection section
Make sure that the attachments are available in case the Employment Agreement refers to them.
We strongly recommend that you ask for a Job description to learn what your main competencies and responsibilities are. However the job description doesn´t need to come on your first day, but don´t wait until your first performance review (You could learn that you haven´t met the expectations, although you had no clue what those expectations were…).
We also recommend you to ask for Internal Rules of The Company or any other documents which govern the daily life of the company.
This document shall give you more information on any of the following:
- What to do when you become sick
- What to do when you want to ask for days off
- What to do when you want to ask for a homeoffice/flexible working hours
- How to handle overtimes
- What are the company benefits etc.
If there is no such document, ask your HR department to explain you how these very usual situations need to be handled.
We wish you all the luck with your new job!